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Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Sa 8. Feb 2014, 00:47
von Georg
Hi, here are some of my icons that I use in the game Panzer Korps
JG 1
Motorised Inf.
JG 2
JG 27
JG 52

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Sa 8. Feb 2014, 10:44
von Erich Topp
Hi Georg!

Looks very nice, but I think we need the entries for the efx File for each unit, or?

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Sa 8. Feb 2014, 12:14
von edonohew
These are really cool. Habe die Ehre!..

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Sa 8. Feb 2014, 16:55
von Georg
I for each unit i EFX and data in the equipment. I play with more than 50 units of its own - actually existing in the 2nd World War II.
Some icons I made ​​up the other icons (with the permission of the author), but many more are my work from different images.
Should anyone interested, I will share them.

West allied stronghold
ZG 26
StG 77

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Feb 2014, 09:54
von Erich Topp
Georg hat geschrieben:Should anyone interested, I will share them.

Yes, I´m very interested! sehr gut....

Can you please upload the units that we can you use these in the game?

And please with the entries for the efx-file!

Many thx in forward! bittschön.....

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Feb 2014, 18:34
von Georg
Thank you. Here are icons for Panzer Korps + + sfx equipment. Some of the icons I've done the whole, but I used parts from other authors. and added their parts according to their needs.
Sorry about my English.
P. S. Some names are in my native language - Czech.

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Feb 2014, 18:55
von churchlakecity
Hi Georg...One of your icons seems like the flamingo i made for LoV ultimate.......

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Feb 2014, 19:46
von Georg
Hello, I'm sorry for that. you're right. I accidentally put it here. You have enabled me to use it for my personal use. The Clear icon. I'm so sorry.

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Feb 2014, 19:46
von Georg
Deleted. Your icons are some of the best I've seen. I use it - and modified - Campaign GTPGv2.0 + 1.11
Once again, I apologize. I very much appreciate your work. It was not disrespect, but the omission.

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Feb 2014, 20:04
von churchlakecity
please ask me the the next time... prost....

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Feb 2014, 20:43
von Georg
For my private use you'd let me. This was a mistake. Got into it there by mistake.
I apologize once again.

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Feb 2014, 20:45
von churchlakecity
no problem Georg... prost.... mein Freund...

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Di 11. Feb 2014, 20:50
von Georg
Danke Habe die Ehre!..

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Do 13. Feb 2014, 12:58
von Erich Topp
Georg hat geschrieben:Thank you. Here are icons for Panzer Korps + + sfx equipment. Some of the icons I've done the whole, but I used parts from other authors. and added their parts according to their needs.
Sorry about my English.
P. S. Some names are in my native language - Czech.

Wonderful, many thx Georg! daumen nach oben!....

Re: Georg icons for PK

BeitragVerfasst: Do 13. Feb 2014, 18:30
von Georg
Not at all. I will do more icons, if you're interested, I'll give it to these pages.
Habe die Ehre!..