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Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 2. Dez 2020, 20:01
von uzbek2018
Comrade Uzbek stand in attention

Commander! a Chines....

Our division is here in Voronezh and is being replenished with new soldiers, ammunition and repaired tanks. The tank crews are in good shape.

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 2. Dez 2020, 20:09
von Benutzer DSU
Dome is listening to the comrad, which leaves a motivated impression

That is good to here comrad Rjadowoi a Chines....
How many Tanks are ready?
And how far is the training level of the soldiers?

By the way what is your name comrad Rjadowoi?

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Do 3. Dez 2020, 02:22
von uzbek2018
Dome hat geschrieben:Dome is listening to the comrad, which leaves a motivated impression

That is good to here comrad Rjadowoi a Chines....
How many Tanks are ready?
And how far is the training level of the soldiers?

By the way what is your name comrad Rjadowoi?

-Здравия желаю ! Japaner....
-Все отлично товарищ командир ! Танков по штату военного времени , три в ремонте , ждем запчасти из склада ) Тренировка солдат на высоком уровне ! Зовите меня гвардия рядовой Узбек - товарищ командир !

- I wish you good health ! Japaner....
- Everything is fine comrade commander ! Tanks in the state of wartime, three in repair, waiting for spare parts from the warehouse ) Train your soldiers at a high level ! Call me guard private Uzbek-comrade commander ! Gebirgsjäger grüsst...

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Do 3. Dez 2020, 09:38
von Iwan Prohaizev
Good answer comrade Uzbek!

Kapitan Dome, do you have any further questions?

By the way ... Good morning 10th Guards Tank Division! Chinese.........

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Do 3. Dez 2020, 09:55
von Benutzer DSU
Very good private Uzbek, we will need every Soldier and Tank soon a Chines....

Dome now looks more seriously at the officer

Comrade Kapitan, may you have some minutes?
We need to talk, maybe in your office? a Chines....

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Do 3. Dez 2020, 10:00
von Iwan Prohaizev
Yes Kapitan Dome! Chinese.........

Let's walk to my office.

And you, comrade Uzbek, please go to the maintenance unit and look if there is allredy fine and well!

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Do 3. Dez 2020, 10:08
von Benutzer DSU
After you, Comrade Kapitan a Chines....

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Do 3. Dez 2020, 12:22
von uzbek2018
Iwan Prohaizev hat geschrieben:Yes Kapitan Dome! Chinese.........

Let's walk to my office.

And you, comrade Uzbek, please go to the maintenance unit and look if there is allredy fine and well!

Так точно товарищ командир !

That's right, comrade commander !

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 4. Dez 2020, 08:40
von Iwan Prohaizev
Good morning 10th Guards Tank Division! Chinese.........

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 4. Dez 2020, 10:34
von Benutzer DSU
Good Morning Ussr a Chines....

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Sa 5. Dez 2020, 00:17
von uzbek2018
Good morning ! And now the national anthem of the USSR !

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Sa 5. Dez 2020, 07:57
von Benutzer DSU
Good Morning 10th Guards Tank Division Russe...

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: Sa 5. Dez 2020, 09:18
von Iwan Prohaizev
Good morning 10th Guards Tank Division! Chinese.........

First, let's make our daily 10km running exercise into the forest... ;)

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: So 6. Dez 2020, 08:56
von Iwan Prohaizev
Good morning 10th Guards Tank Division! Chinese.........

I know this famous anthem from many cinema war films too! Chinese.........
uzbek2018 hat geschrieben:Good morning ! And now the national anthem of the USSR !

... and of course this: ... (TV_series) ... 1%8C%D0%BC

That was a TV Blockbuster in the GDR.

Re: Roll Call Field - 10th Guards Tank Div. (Appellplatz)

BeitragVerfasst: So 6. Dez 2020, 11:14
von Benutzer DSU
Good Morning 10th Guard Tank Division, prepare for an exercise and get the tanks ready and oil the weapons. Russe...