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Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: So 17. Jan 2021, 20:23
von Domitian
I have mourned the loss of my parents as you can imagine. As I mentioned earlier, my parents died during the revolution. The rest of the time I tried to survive. I don't know how the revolution went for you, dear comrade mayor, but it was hell for me. Every single day was a struggle for survival in which I almost lost everything. Not just my parents.

In her eyes you could not read a lie and she seemed to almost be staring at the Mayor during the last words. Only during the coming words did she seem to relax a little

And you are welcome to ask your colleagues in Kiev. These will confirm my statements to you. Anyway, I ask myself why you want to know all this. All these details of my childhood, what does this have to do with my current work for the Red Army or for Mayor Domitian? I don't want to offend you Mayor, is there really no reason why you question me so intensely?

Anastasija looked at the major more closely after the last few words. Something was there, something familiar. The voice? The dimples in the corners of his mouth? The sound of his voice? Or was she just imagining things? She decided not to leave this thoughts any room for the time being and focused again on following the Mayor in his comments

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: So 17. Jan 2021, 23:15
von Benutzer DSU
It struck him deeply when Dome saw the pain on Anastasia's face. But he also saw that there is more to it than other people.
He was already very sure and wanted to go ahead carefully to reveal the secret.

I understand why you are asking all of this, you will get the answers. But instead of answering each question individually, I'm going to ask you one more question.
Would you like to know what I did at the beginning of the revolution? Back then in 1917 and 1918?

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: So 17. Jan 2021, 23:58
von Domitian
Anastasija looks uncertainly at the mayor, but decides to answer his question.

To bring light into the darkness of our conversation, I have to ask you. What did you do during the revolution? Judging you by your medals, you were probably on the right side, said Anastasija with a straight face.

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Mo 18. Jan 2021, 00:43
von Benutzer DSU
Dome looks at his chest with the whole medal. He can't help smiling at Anastasija's last sentence.

History will tell if it was the right side, it was definitely the victorious one ...
Well ... I spent the great war with the German armed forces, as expedition commander of Tsar Nicolaus II, in Africa and then on the Western Front.
When the revolution broke out and the Democrats fought, I joined the CPSU. At first I was employed as a guard in the Kremlin, then I was sent to Siberia.
I was part of guarding the royal family in Yekaterinburg ...

Then Dome looks at the person opposite, waiting.

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Di 19. Jan 2021, 17:50
von Domitian
Yekaterinburg could it be? Could it be that she was now looking at the young Dome, whom she had met there back then? Or is it just one of the other Red Army soldiers, one of countless people who have been dropped off to guard her family? Or is it one of those who actually ... Is it a trap? No. She couldn't think about that, especially now that she had the queasy feeling that someone had discovered her, and that despite the flawless résumé. Despite her completely new life. She just wanted to forget that time. And yet she couldn't shake off the feeling that she knows the man standing in front of her. She took another close look at the Mayor before asking a question in a slightly trembling voice

You ... you don't happen to be the young soldier I met at that time? The one I gave my necklace at our last meeting?

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Di 19. Jan 2021, 18:34
von Benutzer DSU
A mixture of worry, joy, and disbelief came up in Dome. He had always hoped to see Anastasia again, but he never believed it.
Especially the circumstances surprised him. How could it be? Here in Mongolia?
Dome grabbed his neck with both hands and opened the clasp on the chain.
Without a word he put the chain on the table and then looked at Anastasia, before the following sentence came out of his lips:

Your Highness Princess Romanova ...

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Di 19. Jan 2021, 20:49
von Domitian
Anastasija just couldn't help but laugh. How high was the chance, to meet your former affair in Mongolia? In damn Mongolia? And yet she was pleased to see a warm familiar face here. She couldn't believe it, but she reacted directly to the Mayor.

Please don't call me that. The days of Princess Romanova are over and we could both get arrested just for talking about it. That's why I just recommend sticking to the name Anastasija. Please tell me, what are the chances that we'll meet here by chance? You weren't looking for me specifically, did you?
said Anastasia with concern and fear in her voice.
As Princess Romanova, she could not afford to be exposed in front of the entire Red Army.

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 20. Jan 2021, 15:31
von Benutzer DSU
An inner warmth filled Dome when he heard Anastasij's laugh - that's how long it was since he last heard it and how much he had longed for it.
Dome just couldn't help but smile himself. Then the subject got more serious again.

Don't worry, I'm definitely not going to address you like that here. After Comrade Stalin's death, the political situation is still very balanced.
But why did you come back? And why to the Red Army of all places?

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 20. Jan 2021, 21:52
von Domitian
Anastasija looks calmly at the mayor. It really was Dome! She didn't have to fear exposure, at least for now.

Do you remember our escape via Persia? From there I wanted to flee to Paris. However, I did the calculation without the NKVD. As soon as I arrived in Paris, I was arrested by the NKVD and transported back to Russia. I sat in the Lubyanka for half a year until the NKVD had the glorious idea of ​​exchanging my freedom for their services. So I joined the NKVD as an unofficial employee. I identified unpopular people, tracked down deserters and monitored my superiors. All of this for my freedom, so that I wouldn't be allowed to perish in the Lubyanka for the rest of my life. So it came to my flawless résumé, my new surname and my jobs in Leningrad, Kiev and finally with the Red Army, but the NKVD probably not expected that I'll live longer than the NKVD itself. So I'm here now and the NKVD just seems to have forgotten me over the past few years, in any case, nobody has contacted me since Beria's death.
said Anastasija with a smile. Just thinking back about that time made her stomach queasy.

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Do 21. Jan 2021, 00:58
von Benutzer DSU
Dome listens intently to the woman he has not been able to forget for almost 30 years.
He knew that the NKVD was washed with all waters, but he never thought that such a development would be possible.

Why haven't you contacted me in almost 30 years? You know I would have done anything to get you out again.

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Do 21. Jan 2021, 15:36
von Domitian
I would have liked to look out for you, but I didn't know you were still alive Dome ... and even if. Where should I have guessed you? I didn't even know where you went after my failed escape to Paris. In addition, during all the time that I had to work for the NKVD and I only had access to the files that I really should have access to. I was constantly under the surveillance of the NKVD. So over time, I started to repress, until I just wanted to forget.

At the last words Anastasija looked sadly at the Mayor

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Do 21. Jan 2021, 17:00
von Benutzer DSU
Dome listens carefully to her. Your words touch him inside very much, but he understands why you didn't or couldn't get in touch. Times must have been very tough.

Don't worry i understand you Fortunately, the NKVD is history now. You are now free and you can be yourself. I'll make sure of that ...

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Do 21. Jan 2021, 17:41
von Domitian
Anastasija looks at the Mayor with a hopeful look in her face

Thank you Dome. That means ... I can continue to work for Mayor Domitian? Without you telling him who I am? Without his noticing who I am or that I was in the service of the NKVD at the time? I've only just got used to it and settled in a little here and found some peace for myself.

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Do 21. Jan 2021, 18:07
von Benutzer DSU
Dome's smile disappears.

Of course I won't tell Mayor Domitian anything. The less people know who you are, the safer it is for you.
Accordingly, you will continue to work for the Mayor, I trust him personally and as a commander. You will be safe there. Also ... it's nice to know you are near me ...

Re: 13th Guards Rifle Division - Division Commander

BeitragVerfasst: Do 21. Jan 2021, 22:38
von Domitian
I'm also happy about that at Dome. I hope it is not presumptuous, if I ask to leave your office now? I still have a few piles of files that have to be processed and first have to organize my thoughts for myself. I still can't believe meeting you here. And all the digging through my past. That was just a bit too much for the moment. Please just give me a little time, said Anastasia with a slight smile on her face.

Of course she was glad to meet Dome again, but the last few hours were extremely exhausting for her. All the new knowledge, all the repetition of her story had drained her and she urgently needed to recover a little.